Here you will find some helpful information about our Scout Group.

We will try and answers some of your questions here. If you cannot find what you want then please get in touch with us using our Contact page message service or call us or email. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Leaders and Volunteers have working jobs and are also parents, so please be patient waiting for a reply. Thank you.

useful forms - Joining 

Joining Form Editable PDF

Joining Form print and hand in


Once joined you may need these 

Night Hike kit List_v1.0



When do you meet up?
Scout meetings as follows. Beavers on Wednesday 6.15pm to 7.15pm Cubs on Wednesday 7.30pm to 8.30pm Scouts on Monday 7:30pm to 9:00pm Any changes will be notified to you If a young person cannot attend please inform the Section Leader as soon as possible.
Section and Group Trips?
We have several trips along the way for each of the sections. Leaders will notify you by telephone or email with the details. You can also visit this website for any news about our Group.
What are the costs for joining?
Our aim is to keep Scouting as affordable as possible, however as with all groups we have overheads we need to cover. We are required to pay a proportion of our fees to UK Scout Headquarters who deliver a wide range of services and support to volunteers and young people. We use the other money to keep our Scout Hut maintained and for resources to make our section programmes possible. Our subscription costs are £120 annually and the preferred payment method is standing order with your bank at £12.00 per month. We do offer discounts for siblings, with each sibling reduced to £10.50 per month. We endeavour to keep subscriptions low by fundraising and several local businesses offer us fantastic preferential rates. It is worth noting we have not increased subscription costs over the last six years. There are also additional costs for camps and day trips throughout the year, depending on whether your young person wishes to attend. We appreciate costs can be difficult as your Beaver/Cub/Scout may take part in other clubs and activities. Please speak to your Leader, in confidence, as we have a commitment that no Beaver/Cub/Scout misses an opportunity due to financial constraints.
Can I make a Donation to the Scouts?
We are all volunteers and this costs time and also our running monetary costs are substantial. Any money raised by good deeds, parents, volunteers and other helpful groups are always welcomed. This is an ideal time for Parents to start, or carry on, paying Gift Aid on the subscriptions, where you qualify to do so. The Group, at no extra cost to parents, is then able to claim 25p in tax for every £1 paid in subscriptions. Needless to say, this income is extremely valuable in meeting the Groups' various expenses and in helping to deliver full and exciting programmes. It also helps the subscriptions to be kept as low as possible.
Do you need to wear a uniform?
Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the group. Scouts wear their uniform with pride. Their coloured Necker identifies which group they belong to. The 229th Necker is red and black.
Where can I buy a uniform?
The Sheffield Scout and Guide shop at 60/68 Trippet Lane has all the uniform you need and loads more, including books, pocket money toys and great gifts for your Beaver/Cub/Scout. They are now open Monday to Saturday..Please don't forget when you purchase anything from the Sheffield Scout Shop you will receive a receipt that has a reward voucher for the colony to use to buy essential materials, please make sure you save your receipts and pass them to your leader. You can purchase items from other outlets, though all the profits from the Scout Shop are given back to support Scouting at a local level.
Badge placements on uniforms.
Click to see a full sized image of uniform badge placements for each section.
 Trust the Scouts

You're in Good Hands.

My volunteer leaders believed in me as a young person.

I want a new generation to learn the skills, friendship and belonging I felt when I needed them most. I want to show that the outdoors is a place for all of us to be at our best, that Scouts is truly open to all.

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